Marie Claire Idées -
10 January 2023
To regain smooth, radiant and toned skin, there’s no need to resort to injections. All you need to do is choose targeted treatments and adopt the right gestures.
Hot or iced, black or white, green or matcha, tea contains active ingredients that also work wonders in cosmetics.
Femme Actuelle -
28 November 2022
The eye contour area, lips, hands and décolleté… Each area reacts differently to the passage of time. Here are 8 customized programs to preserve their youthfulness and effectively correct the signs of time.
With spring resurfaces the desire for a skin make-over to restore its radiance. Onagrine’s Booster Eclat detoxifying treatment oil stimulates the microcirculation, hydrates and oxygenates, while providing radiance.
Le Prescripteur -
1 March 2021
Each age has its own pleasures… and its own beauty needs! Of course, time is never very kind to our skin, but there are skincare routines adapted to each stage of our life to help...
We explain the revitalising and invigorating properties of the ACTIV DETOX Booster Eclat, which works wonders as an energy treatment in the depths of winter.